



 As explained in GREAT's FIFA 19 report, EA interpreted the game's changes this year - although unfortunately Pro clubs and career mode have not been reworked in the same way. Nevertheless, there is much to appreciate, and it's as competitive as ever, online and offline. That's where GR comes in. Below you'll find help with tactics, new features, and more, through the myriad of game modes. Perfect for making a friend or a friend. enemy launch their controller across the room in a tantrum.
  • 1. Difficult timed finish - so practical

  • The timed finish, which drastically changes the way you hit a moving ball (or a stationary ball, for that matter) is one of the most difficult additions to play for years.  If you hit the ball as you enter and then release the mouse button, a timed finish shot is triggered.  Like the pros themselves, the only way to succeed is to spend a few hours at the training ground.  Advanced Shooting and Attack Scenarios: Skill games are a great help to help you understand the timing, especially the timing that focuses on match-type scenarios.  If all else fails, leave the FIFA trainer on for about a week until you get to the swing of things.

  • 2. Game plans make the difference between winning and losing
With the Game Plans, FIFA has been inspired by the book Pro Evo - and it radically changes the approach (and especially the adaptation) of each game.  Before you start on the field, you will want to immerse yourself in the cacophony of choices available to you on the Team Management screen.  Press L2 to change every aspect of your game. Every d-pad move in the game - from Ultra Defensive to Ultra Attacking - can now be tweaked with intricate details.  Do you want to close shop when 1-0?  Dramatically reduce the width of your team, select Deflect from the formation screen and set it to Defensive for use in play. Voila.  You have five plans that you can use at any time, regardless of the situation.

3. No need to invest in the rhythm

It can be tempting, especially in the first few weeks, to throw away all your hard-earned coins to capture the rhythmic players for your FUT team, especially if you've taken advantage of our FIFA 19 web application guide.  EA gods, the pace is no longer the ultimate goal.  Instead, you'd better focus on wanting to play it.  The time when the goal was to get the ball into the net to allow a quick winger to start is over, so explore the transfer market for more physical players to have a sleight of hand, especially  more than the Active Touch system now offers more focus on those who have better dribbling and physical statistics than simple passes.  This does not mean that the pace is toothless this year, it is simply not as effective as before.

4. Take on the challenges of building a live team
EA raised the stakes this year with respect to live SBCs.  The puzzle series that requires you to buy players to meet very specific requirements often comes in random bursts throughout the week.  It can be hard to keep track, but it can bring a lot of money in the long run.

 FUT has also worked extensively on seasonal SBCs and other live events.  The Halloween Ultimate Scream is no longer necessary, but it's a lot of other sources, especially if you want to make money in FIFA 19.

 FIFA 19 Ultimate Team coins: how to easily make millions by using the Bronze and Silver packs
 Marquee Matchups, who sees several SBCs hinging on a big rivalry or a crucial match around the world, is the best way to make quick money.  Instead of waiting for this week's obvious rivalry (catching Arsenal and Tottenham players on Friday before the clash is likely to be resolved), you should think further.






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